Agitation & Mixing Systems

Kavisha /VMix’ Agitation & Mixing Systems can supply almost any type of agitator needed in chemical, mineral processing industry.

We endevour to supply excellent, robust and high efficient agitation equipment. Our chemical mixer and agitators are custom designed to suit your needs.

Kavisha/ VMix Agitators/ Mixers can be used in any industry requiring agitation/mixing and typical applications are:

  1. Slurry Mixing
  2. Leach, Conditioning tanks for the mineral processing industries
  3. Maintaining solids in suspension in holding or storage tanks.
  4. Reaction tank systems such as Phosphoric Acid or Zinc Refining
  5. Reagent and flocculent mixing systems.
  6. Blending, precipitation, dissolution, digestion, crystallization, effluent treatment etc.
Side Entry Agitator

Side-entering mixers work efficiently where a tank is too large for convenient installation of a top-entering mixer, or where headroom is severely limited.

Used effectively where:

  1. Head room constraints prevent the use of top entry units.
  2. Mixing is required only in the bottom portion of a deep tank.
  3. Large diameter storage tanks
  4. Low viscosity blending is required.
  5. Low capital equipment cost is a govering criteria.
Inline Static Mixture

A mixer will blend, disperse, react or shear two or more fluids within a short flow distance. To achieve these results, the mixer utilize on the principle of eddy mixing, flow division and lowshear reversal. This phenomena combine to eliminate concentration, velocity and thermal gradients and ensure a homogenous discharge mixture.